Friday, May 27, 2005

Even Lottery Scratch Offs Can Cause Problems For Some

Some have wondered here whether a simple form of gambling such as the lottery can get out of control. Well, here is an article in the "Daily Item" of Lynn, MA that shows it in fact can.

The reporter sits in on a Gamblers Anonymous meeting in the town and reports on what is said. Apparently Lynn has the highest amount of revenue generated by the state lottery, and sure enough there were several people at this GA meeting discussing the fact that they cannot stay away from the scratch offs. The stories are often the same, regardless of the type of gambling.

I must also comment on another thing I noticed in this article though. During a person's therapy at a meeting, the time is pretty much theirs to speak what they like. There are few rules. But as a whole, GA members (during the meetings) try and refrain from discussing "outside issues". We live by this guideline in an effort to refrain from arguing during a meeting over a controversial topic, or offending another in any way. The purpose of the meetings are to share with each other how we can stop gambling. In the article however, several of the members, including the chairperson commented on the gaming industry and their perceptions that they had no interest in helping compulsive gamblers.

I have heard those in my meetings occasionally speak the same thoughts, especially people newer in the program who want to, HAVE to, blame something for the predicament they are in. Usually time tempers this view as we learn that it is US who must accept responsibility for our actions. I never discuss my views of legalized gambling in a meeting. That is one of the reasons I started this blog, to allow me to comment on those "outside issues".

I guess I just found it interesting that some people with apparently some level of abstinence were still talking like this at a meeting.

Oh well. Each meeting is self governing except as it affects GA as a whole.


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