Saturday, June 11, 2005

Ok I Couldn't Resist This

I thought I was done for a while, but when I was checking out the site I posted about in my last article I was amazed at the insight offered from this teenager. At the time of writing he was just a senior in high school. I wish I had his wisdom back then!

Gambler O GamblerBy John Miller, Class of 2003

Gambler, O Gambler, I have some advice
You may think it rude and not very nice
Unnatural deeds bring about unnatural consequences
Gambling risks your life and your expenses
People that had everything, turn up flat broke
Their beautiful lives, go up in smoke
One game they say, which turns into ten
That's how it starts, the beginning of an end
But money is really the least of the sorrow
Relationships with people, one can not borrow
One may think "This won't happen to me"
But it is not a far off reality
Gambler, O Gambler if only you'd known
Will power would've kept you from being alone
So watch out for scratch offs and the slot machine
Casinos can be dangerous, even obscene
To think you were happy and now you are not
Depression has caused your sweet life to rot
Gambler, O Gambler, I hope you have learned
What happens in life when you take a wrong turn

Wow. Take a look at the rest of this amazing group of teenagers at .


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